
Oct 03 2023 - Celebrating 20 years
It was 20 years ago this week that ArtistShare's first project was launched.
The project was to be an album by composer Maria Schneider called "Concert in the Garden" but we were going to do things a little differently. Little did we know at the time the impact this would have on the budding independent music revolution. All we wanted was to try something new that perhaps would provide a solution to the current problems the music industry.
With the launch of this project the Internet's first crowdfunding platform was created and an entire new industry was born. Concert in the Garden also went on to become the first album in history to win a Grammy without being available in retail stores. Since then ArtistShare releases, completely funded by fans, have gone on to garner more than 35 Grammy nominations and 15 Grammy wins.
We are so proud of what we have accomplished here together and thank each and every one of you for believing in the power of music.